Pediatric Dentistry Harrisonburg VA

What is pediatric dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry specializes in dental care for patients from infancy to adolescence. Our team promotes the oral health of your child while serving as an educational resource to you. That includes preventive care techniques, like how properly brush and floss your child’s teeth.

Harrisonburg Family Dentistry also offers advice on many important oral health issues in kids, like pacifier habits and how to prevent injuries to their mouth and teeth. We can also perform a caries-risk assessment and counsel your child on their diet to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

What are the benefits of pediatric dentistry?

Even if you make sure your child brushes and flosses their teeth regularly, there still might be issues you don’t know about. Regularly dental visits protect your child’s teeth from decay and ensure their teeth are developing properly. Although your child’s baby teeth eventually fall out, they still impact the way their permanent teeth grow in. Detecting issues early can play an essential role in your child’s dental health in the long run. Our team also keeps an eye on missing or crooked teeth and can detect a fluoride deficiency.harrisonburg dentist | Pediatric Dentistry Harrisonburg VA

How often should your children have a dental checkup?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend your child see a dentist within six months of their first tooth appearing or by their first birthday. After that, your child should see us every six months to keep their teeth healthy and make sure they’re developing properly.

Regularly visits can also help your child acclimate to the dental office environment, increasing their comfort and confidence levels while easing their anxiety and fear of the dentist. A positive association with dental checkups can lead to a happier experience, encouraging good oral hygiene habits for life. Our team ensures a gentle approach so that your children can have a comfortable and pleasant experience.

As your children continue to grow, their teeth change with age. Our office treats children to help promote proper tooth development and healthy hygiene habits. In addition, we provide gentle, individualized care for your children and even have a room where kids can play. Contact us today!